"There is no health without mental health"*

Dr. Chiachen Cheng

Health Researcher; Child & Adolescent, Adult Psychiatrist

Dr. Chiachen Cheng (Chi) is a Child & Adolescent, Adult Psychiatrist and Physician Researcher. As both a clinician and a researcher, Chiachen is passionate about putting knowledge into action. Her research interests are in Early Psychosis Intervention and evidence based practice as it interfaces with paediatric mental health policy.


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Early Psychosis

The term “psychosis” describes conditions that affect the mind, causing a loss of contact with reality or trouble deciding what’s real and what’s not. “Early psychosis” or “first episode psychosis” means someone is experiencing psychosis for the first time.

Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI) decreases the duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) and facilitates recovery from illness so that young people can manage their everyday lives.

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Dr. Cheng’s primary research interests are Early Psychosis Intervention, evidence based practice as it interfaces with paediatric mental health policy, and models of care for vulnerable populations in rural/remote settings. Her research has examined program implementation and development, fidelity to EPI standards, evaluation of EPI training for healthcare workers, delivery of EPI services in rural and remote regions, and pathways to care among vulnerable populations (e.g., youth, Indigenous people).



The Early Psychosis Intervention Ontario Network (EPION) is a network of people who work in Early Psychosis Intervention services (EPI) in Ontario, individuals who have experienced EPI services, and family members. The goal of the network is to support the development and implementation of effective treatment and support systems for the early stages of psychosis.

Dr. Cheng was EPION Co-Chair from 2014-2017.

Go to NorthBEAT


NorthBEAT (Barriers to Early Assessment and Treatment) is a collaborative of researchers and service providers across Northern Ontario with an interest in improving the system of care for youth with psychosis. Since 2012, NorthBEAT has continued to grow in scope and size.

In 2017, the Ontario Trillium Foundation awarded NorthBEAT a Youth Opportunities Fund grant to support a strategic systems collaborative.

For more information on Early Psychosis Intervention, including how to help yourself, how to help a loved one, or where to access services in Ontario, please visit:


barriers to Early Assessment and Treatment

NorthBEAT (Barriers to Early Assessment and Treatment) is a collaborative of researchers and service providers across Northern Ontario with an interest in improving the system of care for youth with psychosis.

Youth with psychosis in Northwestern Ontario do not get the help they need, when they need it. We're going to change that.

NorthBEAT (Barriers to Early Assessment and Treatment) is a collaborative of researchers and service providers across Northern Ontario with an interest in improving the system of care for youth with psychosis.

Since 2012, NorthBEAT has continued to grow in scope and size.

The NorthBEAT Project (2012-15) was a descriptive research project, funded by the Sick Kids Foundation in partnership with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), that explored the service needs of adolescents who experience psychosis in Northern Ontario.

In 2016, NorthBEAT expanded its scope to address barriers to early psychosis intervention and improve Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI) services.

In 2017, the Ontario Trillium Foundation awarded NorthBEAT a Youth Opportunities Fund grant to support a strategic collaborative. This diverse collaborative will improve coordination of care, build capacity to detect psychosis symptoms early, and enhance access to appropriate services for youth with psychosis who live in Northwestern Ontario.

Research Projects

A summary of research projects, past and present.

Psychosis 101

Effective Training and Education for Early Psychosis Intervention Programs: A Pilot Project to Develop and Test Evidence-Based Approaches to Training in Ontario

Principal Investigator: Cheng, C.
Co-Investigators: Lem, C.; Howlett, A.; Hanson, M.

Funded by the Ontario Centre of Excellence for Children’s Mental Health at CHEO, 2010-2011.

Final Report

Digital Storytelling

(Co) Producing Narratives on Access to Mental Health Services in Rural Communities: A Participatory Project with Young People Experiencing Psychosis.

Principal Investigators: Gladstone, B.; Boydell, K.M.
Co-Investigators, Cheng, C.; Davidson, S.; Stasiulis, E.; Volpe, T.

Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), 2013-2015.

About the Project


What are the mental health service needs of youth in Northern Ontario who experience psychosis?

Principal Investigator: Cheng, C.
Co-Investigators: Dewa, C.S.; Minore, B.; Katt, M.

NorthBEAT Collaborative: Funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation Youth Opportunities Fund, 2017-2021.
The NorthBEAT Research Project: Funded by the Sick Kids Foundation in partnership with CIHR, 2012-2015.


Fidelity to EPI Standards

Fidelity to EPI Standards: An applied research partnership to develop an evaluation strategy to improve the quality of care for youth.

Principal Investigators: Cheng, C.; Langill, G.
Co-Investigators: Addington, D.; Archie, S.; Dewa, C.S.; Durbin, J.; Lin, E.; Nadin, S.; Robertson, S.

Planning Grant funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), 2015. IEPA 2012



View Dr. Cheng's latest presentations on Slideshare

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