UCDavis BHCOE Webinar Series: Fall 2016, Archived Content

Dr. Chiachen Cheng contributed to two educational presentations for the UCDavis BHCOE Webinar Series in Fall 2016. The Behavioral Health Centers of Excellence at UCDavis and UCLA partner to host educational webinars on topics related to mental health services, research and best practices.

View the archived recordings and powerpoint slides from Dr. Chiachen Cheng’s fall 2016 UCDavis BHCOE Webinar Series presentations below.


Chiachen Cheng et al: UCDavis BHCOE Webinar Series, September 2016 Flyer



UCDavis BHCOE Webinar Series

(visit BHCOE Webinars & Events Page)

Chiachen Cheng et al: UCDavis BHCOE Webinar Series, October 2016

An Overview of Early Intervention for Psychosis Programs: What You Need to Consider about Models, Implementation, and Evidence-Based Practices

Thursday, September 22, 2016

This webinar offers an overview of three key topics:

  • Evidence-Based Practices and Models for Early Intervention
  • Implementation Strategies and Overcoming Challenges
  • Impact of Treatment Decisions on Engagement

Speakers include:

  • Chiachen Cheng, MD, FRCP(C), MPH, Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist and Physician Researcher in Thunder Bay, Canada and Medical Director of Northwestern Ontario’s only Early Psychosis Intervention service.
  • Stephen Marder, MD, Director of the VISN 22 Mental Illness Research, Education Clinical Center (MIRECC) for the Department of Veterans Affairs, Director of the Section on Psychosis and Professor at the UCLA Semel Institute.
  • Tara Niendam, PhD, Assistant Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at UC Davis and the Director of Operations for the UC Davis Early Psychosis Programs.
    Moderated by Carolyn S. Dewa, PhD, MPH, Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at UC Davis and the Director of Outcomes and Evaluations for the Behavioral Health Center of Excellence at UC Davis.



Chiachen Cheng et al: UCDavis BHCOE Webinar Series, October 2016

Early Intervention for Psychosis Programs: Guidelines and Best Practices

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

As a follow-up to the introduction on September 22, 2016, this webinar will focus the best practice discussion to:

  1. Models of EPI implementation across different settings (e.g., urban, academic, community, rural, remote north)
  2. Case study from two province-wide surveys about the use of networks to deliver EPI services
  3. Tips to identifying and implementing system-wide measures

Presented by:

  • Chiachen Cheng, MD, FRCP(C), MPH, Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist and Physician Researcher in Thunder Bay, Canada and Medical Director of Northwestern Ontario’s only Early Psychosis Intervention service.




This information is available via UCDavis BHCOE: behavioralhealth.ucdavis.edu/events/webinars.html